Mossberg 50637 590 Shockwave 20 Gauge 3" 14.38" 5+1 Blued Black Fixed Raptor Birdshead Grip Crimson Trace Laser Saddle


product code:50637



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availability: In stock

Note: This product must be shipped to an Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer(FFL Dealer)

The 590 Shockwave includes all the features that have made Mossberg pump-actions the choice for millions worldwide: ambidextrous safety, dual extractors, positive steel-to-steel lockup, twin action bars, and a smooth operating anti-jam elevator. It has a convenient clean-out tube magazine cap, a front bead sight, and 'corn cob' strapped forend to keep shooter's lead hand clear of the muzzle. The 590 Shockwave Raptor bird's head pistol grip is uniquely shaped to minimize felt recoil. Classified as fully-compliant by the BATFE, this model has a 26.37" OAL and requires no Tax Stamp for transfers. This model features a Crimson Trace Laser Saddle.