Smith & Wesson 12722 M&P15 Sport OR 22 LR 25+1 16.50" Matte Black Barrel, Optic Ready w/Red & Green Dot Optic Receiver, Black 6 Position Stock


product code:12722


Brand:Smith and Wesson

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availability: In stock

Note: This product must be shipped to an Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer(FFL Dealer)

S&W M&P15 Rifle is the ideal modern sporting rifle. It is versatile, reliable and built to perform multiple uses under various conditions. It is also lightweight and rugged which embodies the best combination of function and form. The M&P 15-22 Sport model features a polymer frame with a full length optic-ready top rail with a variable intensity dot in green/red dot adjustable for W&E. It has a six-position stock, 10" M&P slim handguard with M-LOK, 2" M-LOK rail covers and two-position safety lever.