The SMUG (Sized Modern Utilitarian Gunfighter) Sling Produced by Scissor Runner Solutions was created by PFC's our own Brian Hartman. This is a minimalist sling that was designed to move past common issues seen in other slings. The SRS sling is a 2-1 convertible sling with no excess fluff or padding. The sling features an adjustable slider for cinching your gun tight or creating room for moving the gun around.
Where the SRS sling stands out is the thought put into the design. This sling has no plastic triglides (a point of failure on some slings), the slider is stitched, and there are no metal buckles or clasps to snag on gear or scratch your gun.
The entire design of the sling was to eliminate anything that wasn’t needed, excel at what is, and make, “your kit work for you, not the other way around.” If you’re looking for the best rifle sling for your AR-15, this is it!
Now featuring the polymer Burnsed Socket from Blue Force Gear.